1. Foods You Can Eat on a Low Carb Diet

    AvatarBy stephen133 il 24 April 2013
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    A low-carb diet has many restrictions, which depend on both the type of low-carb diet, and the phase of the diet. There are many foods, however, which can be eaten on any low-carb diet, and are part of a nutritious and satisfying breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack. Other People Are Reading About Foods High in Iron Easy Low-Carb Foods Breakfast While cereal, pancakes, and other high-carb fare is forbidden on a low-carb diet, there are many other foods you can eat. Thick slices of bacon can accompany a crust-less quiche stuffed with spinach and cheese, providing protein, calcium, and iron for your healthy low-carb breakfast. Omelets are an even more simple low-carb breakfast, and can contain ham, bacon, or other meats. Adding low-carb vegetables, such as zucchini or broccoli, provides additional fiber and nutritional value to your omelet.

    • While cereal, pancakes, and other high-carb fare is forbidden on a low-carb diet, there are many other foods you can eat. Thick slices of bacon can accompany a crust-less quiche stuffed with spinach and cheese, providing protein, calcium, and iron for your healthy low-carb breakfast. Omelets are an even more simple low-carb breakfast, and can contain ham, bacon, or other meats. Adding low-carb vegetables, such as zucchini or broccoli, provides additional fiber and nutritional value to your omelet.

    • Create a low-carb lunch by placing pieces of chicken or turkey on a slice of cheese, and rolling it up. You can also place sliced meat and shredded cheese on a lettuce leaf, folding it up to create a lettuce wrap. Leftovers from the previous day's dinner are another simple way to fix a low-carb lunch.

    • There are many foods you can eat for dinner, if you're on a low-carb diet. Cook peeled and deveined shimp with grated parmesan cheese, garlic, and fresh basil to make a delicious appetizer. Rub spices on a chicken, and roast it in your oven for a main dish, and serve it with a side of mashed cauliflower. To make mashed cauliflower, which is a low-carb alternative to mashed potatoes, steam the cauliflower until very tender, and add roasted garlic before mashing it thoroughly.

    • Devilled eggs are a satisfying low-carb snack, and can be made in advance to provide quickly available snacks for any time that hunger strikes between meals. Other popular snacks include pork rinds, and nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and macadamias. Many low-carb diets restrict nuts until later in the program, however, since they may result in slower weight loss.

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    Last Post by stephen133 il 24 April 2013
  2. Low Carb Diet Side Effects

    AvatarBy stephen133 il 24 April 2013
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    A low carbohydrate diet can be a very successful tool for weight loss. By putting the body into a state of ketosis, stored fat is burned more efficiently. Coupled with exercise, this can lead to a healthy and effective reduction of body fat. A low carb diet has few side effects, many of which are positive--weight loss, stable blood sugar and decreased cravings for processed foods are among them. However, there are some negative side effects to consider. Other People Are Reading Normal Foods With No Soy on Ketosis Diet What Are Different Low Carbs Food? Weight Loss One of the most obvious side effects of a low carbohydrate diet is weight loss. When the body is put into a state of ketosis, it is forced to burn stored fat reserves. This results in a decrease in body fat. A low carb diet has the potential to be high in protein; when coupled with exercise, this type of diet is excellent in promoting a build of lean muscle tissue, resulting in a more effective metabolism.

    • One of the most obvious side effects of a low carbohydrate diet is weight loss. When the body is put into a state of ketosis, it is forced to burn stored fat reserves. This results in a decrease in body fat. A low carb diet has the potential to be high in protein; when coupled with exercise, this type of diet is excellent in promoting a build of lean muscle tissue, resulting in a more effective metabolism.

    • A less well-known benefit to a diet low in carbohydrates is a stable glucose level. When processed foods that are high in carbohydrates and low in fiber or protein are consumed, this results in a fast release of glucose. This gives a quick burst of energy which quickly subsides. By avoiding foods that cause these peaks and valleys in glucose levels, the blood sugar remains stable. Less insulin is produced, which can decrease the chance of metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and diabetes.

    • Related to stabilizing the blood sugar, consuming food which is low in carbohydrates but high in fiber results in a slow release of energy. This ensures that the fuel you consume is burned for much longer than the quick spikes provided by refined and processed foods. The end result is a lasting, steady feeling of energy, rather than quick highs and prolonged "crashes" where the only fix is to eat more.

    • Another side effect of a low carb diet is reduced cravings for more carbs. This is a result of the stable blood sugar levels that occur when a low carb diet plan is being followed properly. The stable glucose levels and slow burn of energy released by high fiber foods keeps the body nourished for longer periods of time, making it easy to fight the physiological cravings for carb-rich foods such as bread and pasta.

    • While a low carb diet has many positive side effects, there are some potential health hazards since the body does need some carbohydrates to function properly. The absence of carbohydrates can cause a pot...

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    Last Post by stephen133 il 24 April 2013
  3. No-Carb Breakfast Ideas

    AvatarBy stephen133 il 24 April 2013
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    Traditional breakfast foods such as muffins, pancakes and cereals are prohibited on the Atkins diet. This often leaves Atkins followers wondering, "What's left for breakfasts?" From frittatas to sausage burritos, eating the no-carb way is easy. Add this to my Recipe Box.

    • Eggs have zero carbs and are a quick and easy no-carb breakfast. Try eating eggs a variety of ways: sunny side up, hard boiled, or in an omelet. Cheese and meats can be incorporated into omelets to help provide variety. When eating breakfast on the go, order a classic breakfast sandwich, such as a sausage, egg and cheese, and forgo the bread or ask for a lettuce wrap instead.

    • Try incorporating mushrooms, peppers and bok choy into an omelet or go the extra mile and make a really decadent frittata. Cucumbers, celery and radishes also have minimal carbs and can be eaten raw, juiced or blended with water and ice into a healthful smoothie. Salads filled with lettuce, arugula, spinach and other no-carb vegetables with cheese and olive oil provide a crisp and refreshing way to start the day. Many nuts, particularly pecans and almonds, have only a minimal amount of carbs and make a nice addition to a salad or can be eaten alone by the handful. From raw pecans to smoked almonds, there is something for every craving and mood.

    • Sausage, bacon and ham have long enjoyed a place on the breakfast menu, but there are other no-carb meats that can be enjoyed. Pork, veal, beef, lamb, flounder, turkey, duck, chicken and tuna are just some of the no-carb meats and fish you can incorporate into your breakfast. Many have been turned into sausages and bacon. Try incorporating these meats into your omelets, or make breakfast burritos using the meats, eggs and a lettuce wrap.

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    Last Post by stephen133 il 24 April 2013
  4. No Carb Red Meat Diet

    AvatarBy stephen133 il 24 April 2013
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    The no-carb red meat diet is one of those plans that seems to fall in and out of favor. While it has major proponents, many critics have claimed that it is not the kind of diet that an individual should follow. Many dietitians, however, believe if it is used the right way, a no-carb red meat diet has benefits and that an informed dieter can achieve good results with it. Other People Are Reading Long-Term Effects of Low Carb Diets No Carb Diet Meal Plan Theory Basically, the no-carb red meat diet consists of just what it says---red meat and no or few carbohydrates. Red meat provides the protein your body needs. And with your body deprived of carbohydrates to burn, its only source of energy is the fat stored in your cells.

    • Basically, the no-carb red meat diet consists of just what it says---red meat and no or few carbohydrates. Red meat provides the protein your body needs. And with your body deprived of carbohydrates to burn, its only source of energy is the fat stored in your cells.

    • This is the part that gets to most people: Under a no-carb red meat diet, you'll have to give up fruits, most wheat products, cereals (both hot and cold), canned soups, starchy vegetables, milk, barley, burritos, tamales, wines and nondiet sodas. You'll also have to say goodbye to bread, cake, potato chips, french fries and many other foods that might have become a staple in your diet.

    • When the carbs are gone from your diet, your energy level may start to drop. You might also have difficulty concentrating. That's because your body is adjusting to taking the energy it needs from the stored-up fat in your body rather than from whatever carbohydrates you might normally consume. At the same time, you'll have to prepare yourself for some serious carbohydrate cravings.

    • Part of the no-carb red meat diet involves eating more frequently. You might think that defeats the purpose of a diet. But in fact, frequently eating small portions of red meat will give your body the protein it needs and keep you from suffering from hunger pangs.

    • There's going to come a time when you'll want to have some carbs. When that happens, try to make sure that you don't overdo it. Its OK occasionally to treat yourself to something you've been craving---as long as you return to the diet plan as soon as possible.

    • Before you start any diet plan, check with your physician. The doctor can inform you of the diet's pros and cons and also alert you to any potential dangers.

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    Last Post by stephen133 il 24 April 2013
  5. The Negative Effects of a Low Carb Diet

    AvatarBy stephen133 il 24 April 2013
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    Although the concept of a low-carb diet has seen vast popularity throughout the media, that is not to say that low-carb diets are not without their faults. Remember there once was a day when low-fat diets were being heralded as the great savior of the world's waistlines, but now they are largely eschewed as a sub-optimal method of dieting. The fitness industry is based around this pendulum concept, where opinions constantly change to keep you investing in "new" and "more effective" weight loss plans. The best plan, however, is to ignore what the media is pushing and stay well-informed so you can make your own reasoned decision. Thus, here are some negative effects of low-carb diets. Other People Are Reading Negative Effects of a No Carb Diet Low Carb Diet Side Effects Negative Effect 1--Lethargy The first negative effect caused by a low-carb diet is lethargy. As your body makes the initial switch from using glucose to using fat as its primary energy source, you will experience a number of adverse side effects, including tiredness and brain fog. If you have a job where you must constantly think on your feet and cannot afford a few weeks of adjustment time during the transition to low-carb, this could be a fatal flaw.

    • The first negative effect caused by a low-carb diet is lethargy. As your body makes the initial switch from using glucose to using fat as its primary energy source, you will experience a number of adverse side effects, including tiredness and brain fog. If you have a job where you must constantly think on your feet and cannot afford a few weeks of adjustment time during the transition to low-carb, this could be a fatal flaw.

    • The second negative effect is the fact that low-carb diets leave your body with very little available glucose. As glucose is mainly produced through conversion of ingested carbs, few carbs coming into the body mean very small supplies of this energy source. Although the body will generally be burning fat as fuel, there are some situations like distance running and intense weight training workouts where the body will still try to use glucose, to no avail. Thus, low carb diets might result in your workouts suffering adversely.

    • Mankind is a social beast, and it is psychologically difficult to be the odd-man-out. Thus, if you are on a low-carb diet, every social event and gathering where food is present stops being a relaxing event and becomes a grueling torture test, where you must abstain from carbs or suffer through the initial downside of your diet all over again, as the body switches (again!) back to fat for fuel. This situation is compounded if you have toxic friends--people who will goad you to break your diet. In this kind of environment, it would take a will of steel to stick to a low-carb life.

    • Finally, the fourth negative effect of a low-carb diet is monotony. There are only so many low-carb choices, and as most people thrive...

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    Last Post by stephen133 il 24 April 2013
  6. What Happens When You Eat No Carbs?

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    What Happens When You Eat No Carbs?

    Many people have either experienced or been on a low-carbohydrate diet without really knowing how it affected their body. Low-carb diets work by reducing the amount of sugars that enter your body. However, there are negative side effects that should be considered before embarking on a low-carb diet. Consult your doctor before starting a low-carb diet to be sure you have all the facts. Other People Are Reading Effects of Too Little Carbohydrates What Happens If You Don't Eat Enough Carbohydrates? Carbohydrate Primer It is virtually impossible for a person to eliminate every carbohydrate from their diet because there are still carbohydrates in almost everything you eat -- even those things that are high in protein and in vegetables. Carbohydrates are organic compounds that consist of three of the most common elements on Earth: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. All sugars are comprised of carbohydrates, although in various forms and different chemical arrangements. For example, table sugar and whole grain wheat are both carbohydrates, but are vastly different in nutritional value. They serve as energy for the body when processed on the molecular level and used by cells. Hence, blood sugar is directly related to the amount of carbohydrates you consume.

    • It is virtually impossible for a person to eliminate every carbohydrate from their diet because there are still carbohydrates in almost everything you eat -- even those things that are high in protein and in vegetables. Carbohydrates are organic compounds that consist of three of the most common elements on Earth: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. All sugars are comprised of carbohydrates, although in various forms and different chemical arrangements. For example, table sugar and whole grain wheat are both carbohydrates, but are vastly different in nutritional value. They serve as energy for the body when processed on the molecular level and used by cells. Hence, blood sugar is directly related to the amount of carbohydrates you consume.

    • Living without an abundance of carbohydrates changes how your body burns the energy it has. It switches from burning the energy that is readily available -- from the bloodstream -- to energy that is stored in fat cells throughout your body. This is known as a ketogenic diet, commonly known as the Atkins Diet after Dr. Robert Atkins who popularized it in his 1972 book, "Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution," which did not become popular until the onset of the 21st Century. The ketogenic diet sets the body into a state of ketosis where the body converts fat into ketones that the brain can use for fuel when glucose stops being readily available through the blood sugar levels. Start eating an extremely limited amount of carbohydrates -- 25 grams or less -- and your body wi...

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    Last Post by stephen133 il 24 April 2013
  7. The Effects of No-Carb Diets on Children

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    The Effects of No-Carb Diets on Children

    The low-carb craze has swept the nation, and with child obesity rates on the rise, it's no wonder that parents might be interested in putting their children on such a diet. Parents are asking schools to add low-carb options to lunch offerings and buying low-carb diet products from the grocery store. There are many reasons not to put your child on a no-carb diet or a low-carb diet. Much of the weight loss associated with such diets is due to the resulting calorie restrictions. Other People Are Reading 1500 Calorie Low Carb Diet Low-Carb & Low-Calorie Diets Good Carbs/Bad Carbs Carbohydrates are an essential part of a healthy diet. It's difficult to stick to a no-carb diet because there are carbohydrates in just about everything. Carbohydrates are the body's best source of energy and are a necessary part of the diet. Simple sugars and refined carbohydrates are not good for your children. Complex carbohydrates are broken down slowly and don't have the negative health effects that refined carbs do. Dairy products, fruits, vegetables and whole grains are healthy sources of carbohydrates. They give your children necessary fiber and contain many important vitamins and minerals.

    • It's difficult to stick to a no-carb diet because there are carbohydrates in just about everything. Carbohydrates are the body's best source of energy and are a necessary part of the diet. Simple sugars and refined carbohydrates are not good for your children. Complex carbohydrates are broken down slowly and don't have the negative health effects that refined carbs do. Dairy products, fruits, vegetables and whole grains are healthy sources of carbohydrates. They give your children necessary fiber and contain many important vitamins and minerals.

    • You shouldn't cut any food group from your child's diet. Otherwise, you can easily stunt their growth. In general, half of the calories a child consumes every day should come from carbohydrates. Dr. Stephen Sondike of the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin says that diets aren't necessary for growing children. He recommends carb awareness rather than carb restriction: choosing whole grain over white bread, eating oatmeal instead of cereal.

    • Dr. Arne Astrup reviewed 60 studies on low-carb diets and concluded that constipation, diarrhea, headaches and muscle weakness are common side-effects of low-carb diets. Bad breath and rashes also affected people on low-carb diets more often than those on low-fat diets. Astrup told CBS News that adults need a minimum of 150 g of carbohydrates every day. Diets like the Atkins diet restrict carb intake to just 20 to 30 g initially and then allow 100 g. This carb deficiency affects brain and muscle function. In children, carbohydra...

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  8. Building Muscle on Low Carb Diets

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    Building Muscle on Low Carb Diets

    • When it comes to building muscle on a low carb diet, this doesn't mean to eliminate carbs altogether. As a matter of fact, carbs are really important: the body utilizes them for fuel. They are also what drives contractions in a form called glycogen, which is stored in the muscles and liver. If you chose to go really low carb, your muscles would flatten out, you'd have no energy and you would probably suffer a lot of muscle soreness. With that being said, you should eat just enough carbs for proper functioning and to fuel your workouts without eating an overabundance that can be stored as fat.

    • Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and protein is the building block of muscle. Whenever you work out, muscle fiber is being broken down and technically damaged. Protein helps to rebuild this broken down muscle fiber in a process called anabolism. According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition, people who exercise should eat 1.2 to 2 g of protein per pound of body weight every day.

    • The anabolic diet is a low carb diet that was designed to build muscle. The way it works is you restrict your carb intake during the week, then on the weekend you eat an overload of carbs. Then go through the whole process again with the restriction and overload. The idea is following this diet will boost testosterone levels, insulin levels and growth hormone, which all contribute to gaining muscle.

    • Choose good sources of protein and carbs. Carbohydrate foods should be high in fiber, vitamins and nutrients, especially when following a low carb plan. Some examples would be low sugar fruits, non-starch vegetables, wheat bran, oat bran, flax seeds and high fiber cereals. Protein choices should be lean and low in fat. Some examples would be lean read meat, chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, beans, legumes, low fat dairy and tofu. You can also use protein powders to supplement the diet with. By eating more protein than carbs, your body will build muscle more easily.

    • Hydration is especially important when following a low carb diet to build muscle. This is because your body burns glycogen, which contains a lot of water. This can lead to excessive urination and weight loss can occur. Being that the muscles are highly comprised of water, it is a good idea to drink plenty of it before, during and after your workouts to keep them volumized and to avoid fainting or any other dehydration related symptom from occurring. The Institute of Medicine recommends about 3 liters a day for men and just over 2 liters a day for women.

    • The best time to take advantage of nutrients is right after a hard workout. It is at this time that your muscles are like a sponge and they are thirsting for nutrition. Bring a shaker cup w...

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    Last Post by stephen133 il 24 April 2013
  9. The Best Vegetables to Eat on a Low Carb Diet

    AvatarBy stephen133 il 24 April 2013
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    The Best Vegetables to Eat on a Low Carb Diet

    When you're looking to cut carbs, veggies are your best bet. High in fiber and flavor, low in carbs and fat, vegetables are also a natural way to improve your health while watching your carbohydrate intake. Want to get the most out of your low-carb veggies? With a little knowledge and ingenuity, you can eat low-carb and have a tasty, varied diet too. Here's how: Other People Are Reading Zero Carb Diet Plan How to Pick Whole Grains for a Low Carb Diet Check the fiber You may already know that you can subtract the fiber from your food's carbohydrate count. Unless you are sensitive to fiber, your body doesn't process it; if your food has more than 5 grams of fiber per serving, subtract the entire fiber content from the number of carbohydrates to find out what you're really getting.

    • You may already know that you can subtract the fiber from your food's carbohydrate count. Unless you are sensitive to fiber, your body doesn't process it; if your food has more than 5 grams of fiber per serving, subtract the entire fiber content from the number of carbohydrates to find out what you're really getting. For example, if your food has 28 grams of carbohydrates and 6 grams of fiber per serving, you're only processing 22 fiber grams. Vegetables are famously high in fiber and low in carbs -- as long as you choose wisely. Avocado (technically a fruit) is your best choice, with 17 grams of carbs and 11 grams of fiber. Also try artichokes, beans, broccoli and leafy greens.

    • When you're trying to lose weight, your options can sometimes seem limited. But lifetime veggie lovers know there are tons of interesting flavors in the vegetable realm. For example, miner's lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata), pictured here, is a native green in Western states. It's got more flavor than lettuce, and more nutrition -- plus, it dresses up any salad. Take your next chance to go to a farmer's market and talk to the growers about their crops. Ask them what tastes best, what's in season, and how they prepare it. You might pick up some new favorite foods and recipes. Try roasting your veggies with plenty of spices, making veggie kabobs, chopping up a slaw-style salad and mixing new flavors.

    • Here's a general list of vegetables that are low-carbohydrate (all the veggies listed have 10 net carbs or less) and high in fiber: Artichoke Arugula Asparagus Avocado Bell Peppers Bok Choy Broccoli/Broccoli Rabe Cabbage Cauliflower Celery Chard Corn Cucumber Daikon Edamame Eggplant Endive Fennel Green Beans Hearts of Palm Jicama Kale Lettuce Mushrooms (most varieties) Okra Onion Peas (Green, Snow, Sugar Snap) Pumpkin Radicchio Radishes Rhubarb Spinach Squash (some varieties) Tomatoes Turnips Zucchini

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    Last Post by stephen133 il 24 April 2013
  10. How to Lose Belly Fat With Low Carbs

    AvatarBy stephen133 il 24 April 2013
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    Body fat isn't just unsightly, but it's also linked to higher rates of heart disease than fat build-up in other parts of the body. Worse yet, fat deposits in the belly tend to increase as people get older, especially for women. However, using what is known about how the body stores and uses the food you eat, you can lose excess belly fat without feeling too hungry. Switching to a low-carb diet helps the body more readily burn fat since the body tends to burn carbs first, then fat, then protein. Other People Are Reading How to Lose Your Belly Fat As Quickly As Possible List of Bad Carbs Instructions Eating Low Carb 1 Eliminate the white stuff. There is such a thing as "good" and "bad" carbs and the white stuff, such as sugar and refined flours, are the "bad" ones. These foods don't add any nutritional value to your food and end up adding weight because the increased insulin your body uses to process these foods can cause the body to store the excess as fat. To cut the bad carbs, stop drinking sodas, sweets, and refined (white rice, white pasta) foods. Check labels because many foods have sugar added--some spaghetti sauces have 13 grams of sugar! Choose foods that have no or very small amounts of sugar. If you have a sweet tooth, consider eating goodies sweetened with other sweeteners, such as stevia. You still want to limit how much of these sweet items you eat, but you can at least have a little something so your diet doesn't seem so restrictive that you end up quitting.

    • Eliminate the white stuff. There is such a thing as "good" and "bad" carbs and the white stuff, such as sugar and refined flours, are the "bad" ones. These foods don't add any nutritional value to your food and end up adding weight because the increased insulin your body uses to process these foods can cause the body to store the excess as fat. To cut the bad carbs, stop drinking sodas, sweets, and refined (white rice, white pasta) foods. Check labels because many foods have sugar added--some spaghetti sauces have 13 grams of sugar! Choose foods that have no or very small amounts of sugar. If you have a sweet tooth, consider eating goodies sweetened with other sweeteners, such as stevia. You still want to limit how much of these sweet items you eat, but you can at least have a little something so your diet doesn't seem so restrictive that you end up quitting.

    • Choose lean forms of protein. Some low-carb diets suggest you can eat bacon and other high-fat forms of protein, but this isn't healthy either. To get rid of belly fat, you need to burn fat, not eat more of it. Choose lean protein sources such as chicken, fish, beans and low-fat dairy that won't add a lot of extra fat to your diet.

    • Eat more vegetables. While vegetables do have some carbs, they are the good kind, and much of the nutrients and fiber you need for your body to function pr...

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    Last Post by stephen133 il 24 April 2013